On Wednesday, February 24, Telegram Messenger revealed it had introduced a few extra functionalities including an auto-delete message option, home screen widgets, expiring invite links with the latest update.
The instant messaging app on the Google Play store has been the most downloaded app and is the fourth most downloaded app on Apple's App Store.
Users will set an auto-delete timer for messages they sent in every chat with the auto-delete function of the app (presently this feature is available on Telegram for its secret messages option). The home screen widget option allows users to reach their chats quicker, and after a certain time, the expiring invite link mechanism allows them to make a link generated inactive.
The functions have been expanded to the Telegram software models of Android and iOS.
The app's auto-delete function parallels the vanishing messages feature on WhatsApp. This role would only refer to messages received after the timer has been set. Tap > Clear History to activate the timer on Android, then pick the length. Click and hold a message on iOS, then tap Select > Clear (top-left) Chat Allow Auto-Delete.
Add a Telegram widget to your home screen for instant access to your most important chats, "For instant access to your most important chats, add a Telegram widget to your home screen," The talk widget provides a preview of recent chats, and only names and profile photos are seen in the Shortcut Widget.
The ability to build community invite ties that have a short duration has also been carried out via Telegram. "Any invite link can be converted into a scannable QR Code to put on everything from brochures to billboards. You can also see which users joined using each invite link to find out where new members came from or which format has been most effective for growth," the instant messaging app on the recent blog post said.
The number of participants or representatives a person may connect to a Telegram community would also be unlimited. The app allows up to 200,000 users of a group to share notes, media, and stickers.
On the messaging service, Telegram would make it easy for consumers to report spam and bogus persons.
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